Smile and Breathe!

Did you know that you can literally breathe your way to a healthier heart and body?

The way we breathe (inhale and exhale) affects our health and the entire body.  Learning new techniques to do proper breathing will help us to be healthier and help us to cope better in stressful situations. Breathing regulates the state of mind, the emotions, focus including many other different things. Poor breathing habits can also negatively affect our sleeping patterns. Proper breathing

Shallow Breathing

When we become anxious, our body tenses up, the muscles tighten and our breathing becomes shallower.  When we panic, rush or become stressed we hold our breaths and our breathing is compromised. Breathing is shallow when we breathe through the mouth (inhale and exhale). If we breathe in (inhale), we should breathe out (exhale) through the nose.  Proper or healthy breathing is to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing (to inhale and exhale), is a healthy way to reduce tension, to minimize stress and to be more calm and relaxed.

  • reduces tension in the body
  • oxygenates the body
  • helps to improve blood flow and blood circulation
  • regulates the heart rate and
  • alleviates stress

When we do deep breathing, we do nostril breathing (inhale) from the diaphragmand breathe out (exhale) through the mouth.  A good way to control or lose weight is to practise 10 breaths before and after a meal. This exercise boosts the metabolism, regulates the weight whereby the food is easily digested.

Bad Posture

How can poor posture interfere with how we breathe?  The diaphragm is the membrane the separates the lungs from the stomach. When we breathe in, our lungs fill up with air pushing the diaphragm down which then makes the abdomen protrude out.  When we exhale our abdomen goes down automatically.  Due to poor posture the lungs, kidneys and stomach nerves are compressed which interferes with our breathing. 

Breathing Exercises

To counter act our shallow breathing, it would be beneficial to implement or practise a daily breathing routine or exercise.  To include breathing as an exercise is a positive step towards a variety of health benefits.  To practise slow, controlled breaths can help to alleviate stress. 


Blowing a balloon invigorates the lungs and rejuvenates the body; to inhale and exhale as a blow is a good exercise for the lungs. To blow as if you are extinguishing a fire is a breathing technique to clear or unclog brain fog.  Our blood flow is improved by means of a blowing exercise.


When we feel tense or find ourselves in state of panic it is a perfect time to close the eyes and to do slow and calm breathing.  When we are faced with an unpleasant situation, we should consider to deep breathing to be calm and present a positive attitude.


Before we pursue any activity or event such as a run, to do a presentation, to go swimming or even driving, it is advisable to do a breathing exercise to help bring balance to the body and mind.

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