The Skin

Did you know that the SKIN is the largest organ of the body?

As the largest organ, it does not only protect our internal organs, but it also provides clues when something is wrong with another part of the body. It is a protective covering for the inside of the body and a shield to other organs from germs and bacteria. The skin plays an important function in our overall health. The skin benefits from healthy lifestyle habits such as adequate rest, deep breathing, good nutrition, exercise, fresh airandsunlight. 

How does my skin affect my overall health?

The skin is filled with white blood cells to attack any invading harmful bacteria.  Signals are sent from the skin to the immune system when germs want to invade the body.

The lymphatic system in the body is responsible to carry toxins to the kidneys, SKIN, and excretory organswhere poisons are cleared and removed from your system.

To oxygenate the skin means allowing oxygen molecules to enter the tissues of our bodies. As we live and breathe it happens naturally, but we can increase oxygen levels to skin cells.

How can we take steps to increase oxygen flow to the skin?

A healthy lifestyle gives the body and the skin a boost of positive energy and an oxygen rich blood environment. A well hydrated body, a good exercise program and the benefit from good circulation keep the skin healthy. Exercise brings a glow to the skin because of good blood circulation. Disease thrives in an acidic body environment whereas an alkaline body with good PH balance is a good resistance for disease.

A thorough salt glow after a hot bath will stimulate the skin, make it active and open the pores. Regular bathing and skin brushing is good for the skin. Massage therapy brings balance to the body and also blood flow to the surface of the skin.

The care and attention given to our internal health will reflect on our overall skin health. The use of natural remedies is extras that can treat and heal the skin.

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